Auckland Blade Show - 24/25 Sept 2022

The premier New Zealand annual exhibition for handmade blades….
Each year NZ Knifemakers host a public knife makers meet that brings together enthusiasts, emerging and established knife makers from New Zealand as well as suppliers and stockists.
This year’s show is being held on the 24th and 25th of September at the Ellerslie Event Centre in Auckland.
This show is at the forefront of boosting the craft and getting knives into your hands, whether you’re a hunter, chef, outdoorsperson or collector.
There are over 40 unique artisans, exhibiting hunting, kitchen and utility knives and even swords and axes.
There will also be suppliers vending so you can get into the craft yourself.
Mercer Metal Work & Edge Crafts is exhibiting at the blade show, with a selection of the finest knives, axes, hatchets and blacksmith tools available to purchase. Come along and say hello!
Doors are open on Saturday 10am-5pm, and on Sunday 10am-4pm.
There is extensive free parking on site and entry is free.
Find out more about the event and exhibitors at: